Monday, September 11, 2006

How holy do you want to be?

But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy. 1 Peter 1:15-16

In last night's sermon, my husband made this heart-revealing statement:

"We are as holy as we want to be."

For months (a couple years?) he has been taking us through the book of Hebrews, verse by verse. It has been a fantastic study. For the last 3-4 weeks we have been studying Hebrews 11:20-21 and the life of Jacob. Jacob is a prime example of the Christian's war between the flesh and the spirit. On the one hand, we see the old man, named Jacob, acting in the flesh and walking by sight. On the other hand, we see the new man, named Israel, acting in the spirit and walking by faith. We never see an in-between man, named Jacob-Israel, walking by faith and by sight at the same time. Such a thing is impossible.

As Christians, we have the power to walk by faith and not by sight. We can choose (an unbeliever cannot choose) to walk either in the flesh or in the spirit. Since the choice lies with us, we are indeed as holy as we want to be at any given moment during any given day.

O that we would want to be as holy as He Who made us at any given moment during any given day! Would we see revival then?


P.S. Read and meditate on this to learn how to tap into the source of our power and strength


Twinklemoose said...

Hmmmm. As holy as we want to be. I wonder if it is a parallel thing with "I believe; help thou my unbelief." Can we strive to be holier than we want to be, trusting when we get there we will want it?

Granny Kate said...

In striving to be holier than he wants to be, the Christian proves that the inner man, the new man, wants to be holier than he is already. He is not satisfied with the level of holiness to which he has attained. The new man wants to be holier. Never mind what the crucified flesh, the old man wants.

The Christian who is not walking in the Spirit is as holy as he wants to be in that he is satisfied with his level of holiness. He doesn't want to be any holier, and he isn't striving to want anything different.
